Collaborations with other Agencies
FCC strives for a comprehensive service approach. Toward that goal we have collaborated with and continue to coordinate services with the following agencies to provide a wider spectrum of services for the individuals we serve.
LifeSpring Health Systems
The Individual Support Plan for many of the consumers we serve includes individual counseling or Rehabilitation Day Services through Life Springs. Staff from both agencies meet monthly to coordinate and discuss goals and progress of our mutual consumers.
LifeSpring Health Systems, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization offering counseling and treatment services to children & teenagers, adults, older persons and families. They also work with businesses, schools, civic organizations and community groups to educate people on the importance of good mental health and to inform the public on how and when to seek counseling services.
Hoosier Hills PACT
FCC Industries provides a setting for persons required to do community service. Hoosier Hills PACT encourages offenders to take responsibility for their actions, involves the victim in the criminal justice process, addresses community needs, works for community safety and provides cost-effective alternatives to incarceration.
Hoosier Uplands
Energy assistance and other crisis needs of our consumers are met by Hoosier Uplands services. Hoosier Uplands is a local non-profit agency based in Southern Indiana that provides comprehensive services to the poor, elderly, and disabled. The corporation strives to alleviate poverty, improve living conditions, and provide access to health care, social services, and cash management skills for those families and individuals in need within our service area.
Community Involvement
FCC staff members are represented on several local councils and boards including First Steps of Southern Indiana and Orange County Health Coalition.