Our Beginnings
First Chance Center was established in 1969 through the efforts of grassroots supporters composed of parents and advocates. Nationwide, people with disabilities were truly beginning the journey to mainstream America. The advent of new special education legislation along with a change in attitudes fueled the development of the First Chance Center.
Our Today
Our vision encompasses the ideas and values of our founders but we are constantly building on their dreams and visions to create new and innovative ways to help people with disabilities. Whether it’s our exciting Envision Designs Line of products, art classes, work with a local woodcrafter, educational guests and so much more we are always looking for ways for consumers to be involved with their community! If you have an idea or a question about volunteering please contact us today.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Area Served
The agency is located in Paoli, Indiana, which is the county seat of Orange County. This rural area of southern Indiana is characterized by chronic high unemployment, ranking near the bottom statewide in per capita income. In spite of the social and economic barriers, First Chance Center has become a multi-faceted service provider. Other counties served include Washington, Martin, Lawrence, Dubois and Crawford.
Commitment to Individual Choice
We are committed to person-centered planning and advocate for individual choice. Every effort is made to find employment in the community if the individual expresses this desire. Those who choose to participate in Day Services are given the opportunity to apply for community employment whenever they express this desire.
Funding Sources
First Chance Center is a 501-C-3 not-for-profit organization. Services are funded through our subcontract income; federal, state and local contracts; local government support; grants; and donations.
Source America/AbilityOne is a national governmental agency whose mission is to create employment opportunities for people with severe disabilities by securing Federal set-aside contracts and assisting providers in maintaining those contracts
Our Services
Our Programs